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Monday, May 2, 2011


Web 1.0 - static/cant be changed
Web 2.0 - O' Reilly, conference       Able to be contributed to/interactive
Web 3.0 - semantic web (systems make decisions based on lots of factors/machine thinks for you)/what are our possibilities? Cloud computing (information is stored in the cloud) The shrinking of devices.

Open source and crowd-sourcing - tried to build a new idea for a social media (catfish)
Whither the Individual - conforming or creating individuality
Folksonomy and the Folks - Rise of amateur media.  Does the professional media's value go down and the amateur media become okay

Exit through the gift shop - anonymous and illegal art (makes it cooler and better?)
Tactical media art

Reality Entertainment Rises/associate to both films (catfish/Exit through..)

Vector Art - mathematical coordinates on a grid
anchor points - dots/actual coordinates
paths - lines connecting anchor points
stroke - line weight
fill - color inside shape

When would you choose illustrator over photoshop - used for graphic images and text/SCALABLE
vector to bitmap - Rasterizing
bitmap to vector - vectorizing